Part Time Crew Chief
Praca part time jako crew chief do zamalowywania i zmywania graffiti. Wymagane prawo jazdy oraz w miare komunikatywny jezyk angielski. Praca jest od poniedzialku- piatku od 8:30am-2:30pm. Jestesmy zlokalizowani na Ridgewood, Queens. Stawka poczatkowa to $18h. Prosze dzwonic lub wyslac e-mail: Looking for a part time crew chief to supervise Our graffiti cleaning crew. Responsibilities include transporting crew and supplies, driving company van, supervising, and working with cleaning assistant to remove graffiti. Hours of operation are Monday- Friday, 8:30am-2:30pm, March 15-December 30. Winter painting will depend on weather conditions. Starting wage is $18 per hour. Must have valid driver’s license, and be insurable. Knowledge of power washing and painting helpful, but not mandatory. Will train. We are located in Ridgewood, Queens. Please call 718-366-8721 or e-mail: Angela/Joanna
(718) 366-8721
68-56 Forest Avenue
RidgewoodNew York11385
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